How To Podcast: Boost Your Profile Right Now

Three quick fixes to raise your podcast profile right now...
1. Ask your listeners to rate review and subscribe to your podcast.
Activity drives popularity over listener figures on platforms such as Apple Podcasts. Make it second nature to include this ask in your intro and your outro, even on social media and episode blurb. Even better - give them a taste of what’s on your next episode - a reason to subscribe.
2. Check your media host is publishing your podcast on as many platforms as possible. Even free hosts such as Anchor publish on Spotify, Google podcasts & Apple Podcasts. Make sure you’re being heard in as many places as possible - if not, email your host (especially if you’re paying!) to find out why. Also as per part one - go subscribe to your own podcast on every platform possible. It’s a bit vain, but hey - every little helps!
3. Ask a big profile guest to appear on your podcast and share the episode on their social media. Who can you collaborate with? Is there an established podcast within a similar field who you could feature and ask them for a live read or share to their listeners who may be interested in a ‘like this, try this too’ approach? In the podcasting world there's no such thing as competition as you're listeners are likely to listen to multiple series on the same field. And if you're afraid of asking, don't be. More high profile people enjoy the freedom that comes with podcasting instead of professional broadcasters - they might even say yes!
Need a hand in getting started podcasting? From online group training to one-to-one coaching to full bells and whistles production services - drop us a note to and find out how we can get you to 'start podcasting now'!